This service features the reading of the 12 Passion Gospels. The first gospel relates Christ’s discourse with His disciples at the Last Supper, the next ten gospels relate the Lord’s sufferings, and the last gospel describes His burial and the sealing of the tomb. These readings provide the narrative for the events that take place while the accompanying hymns sung throughout the service clarify and give deeper meaning to the text. Between the fifth and sixth gospels there is a solemn procession with the large wooden cross from the sanctuary into the center of the nave. We find additional clarity when visible actions are added to the gospels and hymns.
Parent Tips
- This is a lengthy service so give your children advance notice (so you can limit the number of times the question of “how much longer?” is asked.)
- Focus your children on how the text advances the events or provides additional detail in each subsequent lesson. If possible, read these gospels with your children prior to the service.
- As always, everyone should stand or kneel during the gospel readings.
- Explain to your children that although Matins is a morning service, this service is “anticipated” and is celebrated on Thursday evening.
Source: by Dn. Mark Oleynik