Our Parish

Holy Trinity was founded in 1928 by a small group of Slavic immigrants. Since the beginning of the new Millennium our parish has transitioned from an ethnic parish to a truly American parish of diverse backgrounds.

Our parish is made up of young families, elders, singles, lifelong Christians, interfaith couples, immigrants, converts and seekers. Our parish has been blessed with many new babies.

About Us 

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Our Vision

 Our mission mirrors the way we configure our church, the way we  aspire to live our lives, making every effort  to serve God and man. While our mission may seem uncomplicated, it is the substance of our community. Everything we do is well defined and encompassing. 

What is Orthodoxy?

The Orthodox Church is Evangelical .... but not Protestant

It is Orthodox .... but not Jewish

It is Catholic .... but not Roman

It is Pre-Denominational .... not Non-Denominational.

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